Monday, December 10, 2018

Year 9 Mathematics at GHS

Overall, this year has been a roller coaster of different things. This year I developed a lot of new skills, but I believe I haven't gotten any better at mathematics. I now know a few extra things like how to calculate the length of the hypotenuse on a triangle, but overall I didn't get much better at mathematics as I was just relearning things I already knew.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

9ROB - My Digital Journey

My Digital Journey

This term in 9ROB we were designing a Mars rover. I started my journey by designing a prototype of a rover on tinkercad. My prototype had gear-like wheels for grip and an antenna for communication on the back. After we had designed our rovers, we made them out of lego and drove them using a Sphero. We raced them against our classmates. Cherry, Awa and I made a rover that came second overall in the races. We also did some coding with the sphero's to get a better understanding of it. I programmed mine using blocks and a forever loop. I also experimented with other ways of coding including drawing and typing in the code.
Image result for Mars terrain

We were learning about the terrain and the hazards on Mars for a rover. I learnt a lot about Mars from this because I didn't have much prior knowledge about Mars. I learnt about the rocky and dusty terrain. I also learnt about the hazards and everything that could go wrong about a rover being on mars. Including the terrain and the weather. We also learnt to drive a virtual mars lander.

I hypothesize that my Mars lander would be successful on Mars and with it's mission. It's mission would be to collect and analyse all the different types of rock and to see if there are any signs of life on Mars.

Image result for classcraft

While on my digital journey, we experimented with Classcaft. Classcraft is a game in which a class undergo different quests and challenges. If you complete them to a high standard you are gifted with gold pieces and experience points. The aim is to be the highest level character. There are also punishments if you don't complete the work. You can loose you 'HP' (health) and if your HP is below a certain number you can be punished.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

9ART - My Favourite Drawings


On the left we have two of my favourite drawings I did during 9ART. The top one is of a fishhook necklace design with Siapo/Tapa designs around the background. I started by drawing a basic fishhook. I then added the spiral detail along the top and changed the point at the end. I also then added a dolphin to the bottom right of my fishhook. I then shaded in the hook and added the rope at the top. I then added the outline of the wave design at the bottom. I then drew in the flower design and shaded every second one black. I finished my drawing by adding the triangular pattern along the sides.

My next drawing was the first I did in the module. I started by lightly drawing the cube. I then drew the outline of the sphere, then the cylinder. I then drew the triangular-pyramid in the back then added the horizon line so you could see that none of the shapes are floating. I then started shading in all the shapes so they would look 3D. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

NZL - The Voyage Out to New Zealand (letter home)

New Zealand
Date 1848
Dear Mumma,

We survived, Martha and I. We are lucky, many barely survived the first few days. We miss you dearly, but these children need me. You should see them all. Hundreds of them! Martha and I are going to be running the school here! Can you believe that? We miss you. More than words can comprehend. Our finale goodbye will never be enough.

I worry for Martha, she still has nightmares about the voyage over. There were many dead Mumma, dieses overpowered all us. Only a few of us made it, we are really lucky Mumma. Three month’s on the boat. Did you know that Martha has terrible sea sickness? The sail was destroyed a few days after we left. The strong wind ripped a huge hole in it! Luckily the men on the boat knew how to get it down, and many of the women could sew. Do not get me wrong, there were many great things about the voyage too. Martha met a man. His name is Edwin. She is smitten I tell you. They wouldn’t leave each other’s sides. Edwin has a young boy, maybe 2 years old. His name is Leonard. Martha treat’s him likes her own. His ex-wife (Leonard’s Mumma) passed away during birth. They are smitten for each other though Mumma, you should see it!
One day you should come here too. I am sure we will find a house for you, all of us, Martha, you and I. Maybe even Edwin and Leonard too! You would love it here Mumma, you could be a nurse down at the hospital! I know you’ve always wanted to be one! They would train you to. Always needing nurses and doctors around here, especially for the little ones. Sorry you couldn’t come with us Mumma, but I promise I’ll be back for you.
New Zealand is beautiful. The forest engulf’s most of the island. I love it here. It’s nothing like London but we all love it here. It’s not the same without you here. I start at the school tomorrow, I’m teaching the littlest children and Martha teaches the teenagers. We are starting with counting! I love you a lot Mumma. Miss you.
Lot's of love,
Eliza <3

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Introducing Yourself in Mandarin

We have been learning how to introduce ourselves in Mandarin. We made a comic strip of two people introducing themselves. Here is mine.
(Hi! My name is Trish. Whats       (Hi Trish! My name is Alice.       (Goodbye Alice.)
          Your name?)                                   Goodbye Trish.)                                            

Friday, June 8, 2018

Math this Term

This term in mathematics we have been studying basic algebra. One activity we did was expanding brackets. This is my presentation on expanding single brackets.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Our New Zealand

Last term in NZL (New Zealand studies), we learnt a lot about identity. We learnt about our identities and the identities of everything around us.

This is an example of this. We learnt about the identity of kiwi's. We drew a kiwi and filled it with different facts.

This term we are learning to express our self through art. We learnt about a famous photographer and why s/he took photo's of what s/he did. We also looked at the different artworks and what symbolic icons are in it.

Wairua Kotuku
Painted by: Shane Hanson

Kotuku, a native bird.
Important in maori mythology, they are believed to be from the spirit world.
Elegant bird
3 foot
Habitat swamps lagoons in 5th island.
When they spread their wings they look majestic and royal.
There is a Koru underneath it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

9MG English : Term One

This term, in English we spent most of it looking into and exploring the hero cycle. The hero cycle is the journey every hero faces to become a hero. There are 12 stages in the cycle. A few stages are: Status quo, departure, treasure and resolution. I enjoyed learning about this a lot. We made posters showing the stages. We also explored people and how they are hero's. I chose to do this on Walt Disney. We created an exhibit showcasing our hero.
This is my slideshow showing all the stages in the hero cycle.

At the start of every lesson we do something called a big question. The big question is an activity set up by our teacher Miss Evans. She will give us a question, topic, or anything really and we have 5 minutes to write 100 words about it. My favourite one we have done is where Miss Evans gave us 5 random words and we had to turn them into a story. The words were: Sponge-bob, Tuesday, ice cream, Music, & however. This is my story:
It was Tuesday night. I was craving a huge bowl of ice cream, however, my music was distracting me. I decided to turn on the t.v. My favourite childhood cartoon was playing, Spongebob. Suddenly I wasn’t thinking about ice cream. I was thinking about how Spongebob has changed my life. I flick off the t.v hastily, my mind filled with anger and sadness, knowing I will get addicted to it again. I shut my eyes and try to sleep. I sit there for what feels like forever, but my brain just wouldn’t shut off. Seconds led to minutes, minutes turned to hours. Eventually I give up trying. I flick the t.v back on and spend all night watching the Spongebob marathon.

At the end of every lesson we do something similar to the big question. It's called the success ticket. Each day we end the lesson by reflecting on our learning. We have a success criteria we refer to. It's not always about reflection, sometimes she asks for suggestions on games and other things.

In the past week we went on a year 9 day trip to Kumara. Before we left I wasn't really that keen on going, when I got their though I really enjoyed myself. We learnt so much about the history of this small town. We learnt about how the gold rush affected this, at that time, non-existent town. We also did a few team building games. We split off into groups with our mentor classes and travelled from activity to activity. My favourite thing we did was the London Dairy Rock bush walk. The rock was huge! It was quite a few tonnes. It was so cool and made me feel so small. A tiny fantail followed us around the walk. Overall I really enjoyed this trip and hope to do more things like this.

This term I have been quite successful. I have completed all my work too a high standard. I have further developed my literacy skills. I have also grown more use to high school and how we move about. Next term, I want to become more confident in my learning and continue to adapt to high school.