Friday, June 30, 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

My Weekend Journal - Wk 9

My Weekend Journal

This weekend was cool because we got lots of visitors over the weekend. On Friday Eden left for a cub camp. It was really good having her out of the house for a couple days. On Saturday we got a visitor. It was my Aunty Trudy from Invercargill. She is doing a tour of New Zealand in her van. We were her first stop. She stayed all weekend and is leaving today. On Sunday we had even more visitors. Our good friend from Invercargill Cherm and her daughter came up for the night since they had been in Nelson. It was really good seeing everyone again.

Monday, June 19, 2017

My Weekend Journal - Wk 8

My Weekend Journal

Best. Weekend. Ever! There has been one thing on the top of my Christmas and birthday wish list for the past three years. I finally got it. My own room! I was (and still am) so excited. I got a caravan on Saturday morning and by Sunday night my stuff was moved in. It was my Granddad's caravan. Mum and Dad didn't know that they would buy it until Friday night. I could barely sleep that night because I was too excited! We also visited Catrin in her new house. It was a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Division Word Problems

WALT: Write division word problems & solve them using a variety of strategies.

Monday, June 12, 2017

My Weekend Journal - Wk 7

My Weekend Journal

This weekend was really fun! On Saturday I didn't do that much in the morning. In the afternoon we went and visited our friends Kate and Shannon at their new house. We stayed there for dinner. On Sunday we went to town. We got pocket money and went to the Warehouse. Other than that we didn't do to much.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

'On the Wallay Track' Artwork Response

On the Wallaby Track Response

On the Wallaby Track is a realistic painting that captures a struggling family. It was painted in 1896 by Frederick McCubbin.  In the foreground there is a women holding a baby, slumping against a tree and in the middle ground a man is cooking over a flame. In the background there is a blue tent hidden behind a bush.

On the Wallaby Track is a fantastic piece of artwork that has a lot of detail.

I find the colours to be very interesting. I like the use of pink, orange and yellow in the background. It makes me think that it is a sunset or a sunrise. The colours in the foreground are mixes of greens, yellows and browns. The colour choices impact the mood greatly, with the brighter colours lightning the otherwise gloomy painting.

I think the family in the painting has been through alot. When I first viewed this painting I thought the family were camping; after viewing the painting more closely I realized that the family looks very stressed. I began wondering are they really just camping? I now think that the family is staying there longer than I first thought because of the tired look upon the woman's face and her clothes look as though they haven’t been washed in a while.

Overall On the Wallaby Track is a very complex painting that has an intriguing story to tell. I recommend for everyone to go to this website to see more of his fantastic paintings:  

Multi Digit SWF Division

We have been learning how to solve multi-digit standard written form division. Here is my video of me explaining how to solve this question.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My Weekend Journal - Wk 6

My Weekend Journal

This weekend was pretty eventful. It was my sisters birthday party on Saturday so we had to prepare for that. We built fires and roasted marshmallows. It was really fun! I stayed that night at Catrin's. Then on Sunday we helped our neighbors Kate and Shannon move all their stuff to their new house. We spent all Sunday and some of Monday helping them. That is pretty much all I did.