Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Media Studies - Production Role

My role preference would be subtitler. A subtitler is in charge of writing up the subtitles for a film and also has a role in the final cut of the script. I think I am good for this role because I am a perfectionist and work well with deadlines. I have a good understanding of literature and would be good at editing my own work. I also don't mind not having a role that is more in the background. I am also a very focused person and if I put my mind to it, it will happen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Media Studies Project Update

In media studies this term, we have been working on individual or group projects of our choice. My group, Catrin, Siobhan and I, have been working on making Grey High's double page feature in the Grey Star that comes out in July. So far we have organized a couple photos and blurbs for the paper. We plan to show more student work and achievements.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Ms Evans' Reading Challenge (1)

Chapter 1 of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian written by Sherman Alexie is a great introduction to a (hopefully) great story. Sherman Alexie uses sarcasm and humour to entertain his audience and make his story relatable to everyone that reads it. Personally, I love how he captivates his readers with lines that make us want to read more. For example, the first line in the book is 'I was born with water on the brain.' Lines like this make the audience want to read more and really captivate readers. In chapter one we are introduced to a boy named Junior and the beginning of his story. We learn that he is a boy that was born with too much cerebral spinal fluid inside his skull. He is 14 years of age and lives on a Native American reservation. As a result of the 'water on the brain' he suffers from brain damage and is a prisoner to occasional seizures and poor eyesight among many other things. I love how Sherman Alexie doesn't give his characters perfect lives because it makes them more relatable and everyone has something in common with them. I am excited to learn more about Junior and his lifestyle. I think I will like this book even though it isn't the style I normally read.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Media Studies - Ajax the Kea Dog

In media studies today we learnt about different aspects of a film. We studied the short film Ajax the Kea Dog.
Go to this link to view it yourself: https://vimeo.com/229067450
The short film Ajax the Kea Dog, I believe the director uses a range of sound to grasp the attention of the audience. I think he uses a calm and classical underlying soundtrack over the duration of the film to give the overall film a friendly and welcoming effect. I think this adds to the wilderness aspect as a similar soundtrack is played during shows like bear grills. At the beginning of the film, we have a voiceover about Ajax and his story. I think that he did this to be relatable to his audience as dogs are well loved in our community. I also think this is why he made the story about Ajax instead of about finding keas. Throughout the short film, we get different sound effects including bird calls and the zip of the tent to add context to the scenes.  There is also a music change when he changes locations adding to the scene of mystery in the unknown location

Monday, December 10, 2018

Year 9 Mathematics at GHS

Overall, this year has been a roller coaster of different things. This year I developed a lot of new skills, but I believe I haven't gotten any better at mathematics. I now know a few extra things like how to calculate the length of the hypotenuse on a triangle, but overall I didn't get much better at mathematics as I was just relearning things I already knew.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

9ROB - My Digital Journey

My Digital Journey

This term in 9ROB we were designing a Mars rover. I started my journey by designing a prototype of a rover on tinkercad. My prototype had gear-like wheels for grip and an antenna for communication on the back. After we had designed our rovers, we made them out of lego and drove them using a Sphero. We raced them against our classmates. Cherry, Awa and I made a rover that came second overall in the races. We also did some coding with the sphero's to get a better understanding of it. I programmed mine using blocks and a forever loop. I also experimented with other ways of coding including drawing and typing in the code.
Image result for Mars terrain

We were learning about the terrain and the hazards on Mars for a rover. I learnt a lot about Mars from this because I didn't have much prior knowledge about Mars. I learnt about the rocky and dusty terrain. I also learnt about the hazards and everything that could go wrong about a rover being on mars. Including the terrain and the weather. We also learnt to drive a virtual mars lander.

I hypothesize that my Mars lander would be successful on Mars and with it's mission. It's mission would be to collect and analyse all the different types of rock and to see if there are any signs of life on Mars.

Image result for classcraft

While on my digital journey, we experimented with Classcaft. Classcraft is a game in which a class undergo different quests and challenges. If you complete them to a high standard you are gifted with gold pieces and experience points. The aim is to be the highest level character. There are also punishments if you don't complete the work. You can loose you 'HP' (health) and if your HP is below a certain number you can be punished.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

9ART - My Favourite Drawings


On the left we have two of my favourite drawings I did during 9ART. The top one is of a fishhook necklace design with Siapo/Tapa designs around the background. I started by drawing a basic fishhook. I then added the spiral detail along the top and changed the point at the end. I also then added a dolphin to the bottom right of my fishhook. I then shaded in the hook and added the rope at the top. I then added the outline of the wave design at the bottom. I then drew in the flower design and shaded every second one black. I finished my drawing by adding the triangular pattern along the sides.

My next drawing was the first I did in the module. I started by lightly drawing the cube. I then drew the outline of the sphere, then the cylinder. I then drew the triangular-pyramid in the back then added the horizon line so you could see that none of the shapes are floating. I then started shading in all the shapes so they would look 3D.