Friday, February 17, 2017

Home Links Wk 3. Can you guess the song?

Can You Guess the Song?

For Home Links this week I decided to do a Can You Guess The Song? Stupeflix video. I decided to do this as these are some of my favourite songs and it helps improve my editing skills.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for participating in my game. Did you like it?

  2. This was such a great idea Breagh that was engaging for the class. Well done for thinking of something original and refining your Stupeflix skills.

  3. Hey Breagh I think it was a really good idea and next time i think you shoulder put the the person on the song to make it harder

    1. Hi Lucy.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. Did you like my game? Also I put on lyric videos and a couple had the person in it. There is not that much that I could do about that. Thanks for the feedback though!


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