Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Elgregoe Reflection

Today our school was very privileged to get a visit from Elgregoe. Elgregoe is a magician and a ventriloquist that teaches schools about bullying. He preformed a lot of great tricks and taught us a lot about bullying; he even involved some people from school in his tricks. My favorite bit was the floating man trick were his assistant (Sue) made Elgregoe float and all the animals he involved in his performances. I think that Elgregoe is a great performer that taught us a lot about bullying. Some common slogans he says are:
Hands are for helping, not for hurting, Don't repeat everything you hear , repeat the things that are friendly and helpful and If you upset someone, you need to say sorry and take the blame.

1 comment:

  1. Great reflection Breagh. I like how you explained the purpose of his performance and included some of his key messages.


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